Cutting Corners: Is It Worth It?


November 28, 2010

21 Fellowship,  SBC

Simon Goncharenko


We learn from NAOMI:

I.                   The end does not justify the means - learning to evaluate shortcuts in life – vv. 1-5.

A.    Naomi’s plan – catch Boaz when he is at his most vulnerable – vv.1-4.

B.     Naomi’s principle – the end justifies the means – whatever it takes to get the job done – vv. 1-5.


We learn from RUTH:

II.                We must evaluate questionable advice in light of the principles of God’s Word – vv. 6-9.


We learn from BOAZ:

III.             A righteous person makes decisions based on principles rather than the feeling of the moment – vv. 10-18.

A.    His principles are derived from the Word of God – vv. 12-13.

B.     He does not rest until the right thing is done – vv. 17-18.


Considering God’s providential care in the lives of His people, there is no short-cutting the process of our sanctification!

(taking shortcuts eliminates blessings and introduces pain)