John 12:1-8

John 12:1-8

Give Like Mary!

February 28, 2010

Simon Goncharenko





Giving back to the Lord, as the _______________ way of ________________ His ________________ over our lives, should be the top ______________ of every believer.



I.                   The Martha Principle: Take care of details without missing the important – vv. 1-2.

II.                The Mary Way: Make giving back to the Lord your top priority – v.3, 7-8.

A.    Giving back to the Lord should be our top priority in financial management – v. 3.

B.     Giving back to the Lord should be purposeful and well thought through – v. 3.

C.     Giving back to the Lord should be proportionate to our income – v. 3.

D.    Giving back to the Lord should include our resources, time and efforts – v. 3.

E.     Giving back to the Lord need not be limited to social causes, such as feeding the hungry or helping the needy – vv. 7-8.

III.             The Judas Warning: Don’t fool around with God’s resources – vv. 4-6.

A.    Don’t forget who is the true owner of all that we have

B.     Don’t steal from God, even passively