John 1:35-51

John 1:35-51

Following Jesus: Lessons From First Disciples

August 30, 2009

Simon Goncharenko




The Big Idea: Following Jesus ___________________________________




                                                                        __________________________________ .


I.                   Following Jesus begins with hearing about Him – vv. 35-36, 41, 45, 47-48, 50-51.

a.       Andrew and John followed Jesus after/when they heard John the Baptizer talk about Him – vv. 35-37.

b.      Simon Peter followed Jesus after he heard about Him from his brother Andrew – v. 41.

c.       Nathanael followed Jesus after he heard about and from Him – vv. 45, 47-48, 50-51.


II.                Following Jesus yields a total lifestyle change – vv. 37-39, 41-42, 49.

a.       Andrew and John changed who they were following – v. 37.

b.      Andrew and John changed where they were staying – v. 39.

c.       Simon Peter had his name changed – v. 42.

d.      Nathanael changed his mind about Jesus – v. 49.


III.             Following Jesus results in bringing others to Him – vv. 41, 45

a.       The 1st thing that Andrew did after finding Christ was to bring his brother to Him – v. 41.

b.      Philip, upon finding Christ, invited Nathanael – v.45.


Take Home:

1.      Do you KNOW Him?

2.      What part of your lifestyle would He want CHANGED today?




3.      Name friends/co-workers/relatives for whose salvation you have been or will start praying…