John 21:20-25

 John 21:20-25

Follow Jesus Daily!

August 29, 2010

Simon Goncharenko





I.                   All humans have a spiritual ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) – vv. 20-21.

A.    We are easily distracted from the goal – v. 20.

B.     We want to be meddling in other people’s business – v. 21.


II.                Keeping our eyes upon Jesus and continuing to follow Him daily brings life to focus (better than Ritalin)! – vv. 22-23.

A.    God has a uniquely drawn and specially ordained plan for each individual on this planet – v. 22.

B.     We need to be focused on keeping following Jesus – v. 22.

C.     We need to pay close attention to His word – v. 23.


III.             There will always be more to Jesus than we can know – vv. 24-25.


 Following Jesus daily will keep us from distractions and will never get old.