John 4:1-30, 39-42

John 4:1-30, 39-42

Lessons From the Well

October 11, 2009

Simon Goncharenko




I.                    Jesus knows me through and through – vv. 10-14, 16-19, 25-26, 28-29, 39.

a.       He is the Savior bringing the gift of God to lost and dying humanity – v. 10.

b.      He is not put off by difficult circumstances, checkered pasts, or any other worldly limitations – v.11.

c.       He is greater than all the teachers, prophets, and great men in the history of the world – v. 12.

d.      He has living water – v. 10, 13-14.

e.       He knows all that we have done – vv. 16-19, 28-29, 39.



II.                 I was made to worship Him and can do so anywhere and anytime – vv. 20-24.

a.       Real worship is spiritual and not tied to a physical location – vv. 23-24.

b.      Real worship is based on truth – vv. 23-24.



III.               Telling others about Christ is one of the normal responses to knowing Him – vv. 28-30, 39-42.

(We don’t have to wait until we’re perfect to tell others about Christ)