John 7:25-52

John 7:25-52

What is MY Response to Jesus?

December 27, 2009

Simon Goncharenko





I.                   Jesus taught during the Feast of Tabernacles about His origin, mission, and His listeners’ ignorance – vv. 28-29, 33-34, 37-39.

a.       Regarding His origin, Jesus revealed His unity with the Father – vv. 28-29.

b.      Regarding His mission, Jesus disclosed:

                                                              i.      The temporary nature of His earthly presence – v.33a.

                                                            ii.      The impossibility of finding God any other way – v. 34.

                                                          iii.      His ability to satisfy the thirst of people’s life, through the Holy Spirit, provided they had faith to try it – vv. 37-39.

c.       Regarding His listeners, Jesus exposed their ignorance of His true identity and origin – v. 28.

II.                The person and message of Jesus Christ has always generated very strong and diverse reactions – vv. 25-27, 30-31, 35-36, 40-52.

a.       The people on the street – divided in their reaction – some believed and some rejected – vv. 25-27, 31, 40-44.

b.      The religious leaders – rejected Him outright – vv. 30, 32, 35-36, 45-49, 52.

c.       The temple police (Levites) - impressed with His words - v. 46.

d.      Nicodemus – half-hearted defense – vv. 50-51.

III.             What is YOUR reaction to the person and message of Jesus Christ?